Maha est solaire. Elle dégage une énergie de malade. Toujours très positive, son sourire est communicatif.
La première fois que je l’ai vu c’était à la salle de sport Urbain Studio 3 de Drea. Comme moi, elle se mettait vers le fond de la salle. Contrairement à moi, elle est d’un naturel avenant (dans le genre un peu sauvage timide, je dois avoir la palme…)
Et puis Maha, rigole quand elle se trompe de pas pendant les chorés lors de nos séances de sport. Tout comme moi, elle s’y éclate en fait.
Petit à petit, j’ai répondu à ses sourires et ses bonjour, et puis on s’est mise à discuter naturellement. Moi de ma boîte, de mon blog, elle de sa passion et aussi de sa boîte (l’art – elle en vit), et de Montréal. C’est une business woman.
Une chouette personne Maha. Du coup, je lui ai demandé une interview et elle a dit oui.
En plus d’être lumineuse (à l’intérieur), elle est belle (à l’extérieur), et douée (artistiquement parlant). Je vous présente Maha (et ses oeuvres) :
Maha is solar. She exudes great energy. Always positive, her smile is contagious.
The first time I saw it was at the gym, Urban Studio 3. Like me, she headed for the back of the room. Unlike me, she is a natural rider (I’m a little bit shy …)
And Maha, laughs during the choreography in our gym sessions. It’s true that it is so fun, that you don’t even notice how hard you are working.
Gradually, we began to talk naturally. Me, about my business, ther blog, her, about her passion and also his own company (art), and Montreal. She is a business woman.
Maha a nice person. So, I asked him for an interview and she said yes.
In addition to being light (inside), she is beautiful (outside) and gifted (artistically speaking). Here Maha (and her paintings) :
1- So who is Maha ?
A crossbreed between a Bahraini and a Montrealer.
2- Can you explain us your passion for art ?
Practicing art is a therapy on its own, but analyzing and appreciating other artists works has given me answers to many questions I had about the really messed up and twisted world we live in. Art is the strongest weapon there is out there; a lot of it is silent but has the strongest voice and poses the most important questions. When speaking out loud can get you in trouble, art can comment on the most taboo topics in whimsical ways but will almost always remain subjective, so you can always avoid getting in trouble! I am in love with how art triggers your mind and emotions.
3- What is your goal whith your new project São House ?
São House for me is an attempt at bringing value to the wonderful connections I have made with artists from all over the world. I know how hard it is being an artist in this competitive world, let alone the art world. I have met fantastic artists from every continent and I know that I can help share their artworks with people who will appreciate it; because that’s the hardest part of it all, finding great possibilities to exhibit your art in different high quality venues, and São House is just that. I also offer a service to Interior Deisgners and Decorators or anyone interested in purchasing art where I present them with the various artists available to them in Montreal as well as internationally. I work with collections from various art galleries in Montreal, internationally as well as with independent artists; instead of people having to go around gallery hopping, I bring the art to them!
4- What do you love (or not, or both), in Montreal ?
Sometimes Montreal makes me feel like I’m in heaven on Earth, it’s the perfect blend of races, religions, ethnicities, cultures, beliefs and non-beliefs, all living in harmony. But other times it makes me so sad to see one of the richest countries in the world have such major problems like its insanely high rate of homelessness for example, amongst other issues of course. I know that no society is perfect, but when I see the heavenly and almost perfect potentials of Montreal, I can’t help but wonder why it can’t be a heaven for everyone when it has the means and the resources to allow for this sort of thing to happen. One of my biggest problems is that I am an idealist.
5- What is the best place for something sweet (like a cake 😉 ?
I am a dessert fanatic and some of my favourite places are Les Glaceurs for cupcakes (Red Velvet!!) and Marius et Fanny on St. Denis for their incredible variety of hot chocolate!
6- Do you really like sport (hu hu #privatejokeInside) ?
Actually you’d be surprised, I don’t like sports at all, but I love dancing. When I dance I am at my happiest state, and Urbain Studio 3 is the place that makes me feel this way every single time I am there. I feel that Montrealers are so lucky to have a place like this exist with trainers that are truly passionate about how they motivate others to be fit and healthy; I encourage everyone to try their classes, my favourite is « Bodylicious »!!
7- What do you love more : Fashion or Beauty ?
I have to say that I love cutting edge designs and styles, I like wearing things that contradict each other but form an interesting relationship with one other. Just like painting, for me getting dressed is a whole process of integrating colours, shapes and textures. As for beauty, it is effortless for me to see it in my everyday surroundings; through the people that are a part of my life, the random but meaningful encounters that I have with people and the spiritual parts of my life; I think I’d pick beauty over fashion any day 🙂
Ses liens :
Voilà ! Vous connaissez Maha, n’hésitez pas à vous rendre sur ces sites pour découvrir tout ce qu’elle fait ! C’est magique.

mai 7, 2013dommage que l’interview ne soit pas en français aussi.
J’adore ses peintures, elle est vraiment douée
ViVi LaChipie
mai 7, 2013Oh ! Tu aurais aimé que je traduise ?
Just us in Paris
mai 10, 2013J’aurais jamais pensé qu’elle bossait dans l’art ! C’est dingue l’image qu’on se fait des gens ! Thanks for this ITW !