Aujourd’hui, une petite (belle) interview, que je suis assez fière de vous présenter. Il s’agit de celle du fondateur de Press The Fashion Magazine, un magazine print et web à Ottawa. Le fondateur a accepté de répondre aux questions. Il aime et respire la mode. Je l’aime déjà, et je suis sûre que vous aussi 🙂
Vibrez au son de la Fashion Week, découvrez ses tendances préférées, ce qu’il aime ou non dans la mode. Place à Christopher Massardo.
Vibrate in the sound of Fashion Week, discover its favorite trends, what he likes or not in the fashion. Discover Christopher Massardo and his magazine !
What is « Press The Fashion Magazine » ?
PRESS The Fashion Magazine is a local print and digital fashion magazine I started almost two years ago. I started the magazine because I felt there was a demand for a more « editorial » or « high end » fashion magazine in Ottawa that focused on the fashion and less about everything else. We work with local Ottawa creative teams and models every issue and we try to promote Ottawa fashion as much as we can.
Can you introduce yourself ?
I got started in fashion as a writer and fashion stylist about four years ago at the age of twenty-two. I quickly started working for print and online fashion, arts and lifestyle publications in Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Boston, London and a few other places. I’ve styled everything from tv segments to catalogues and look books, covers of magazines, musician album covers, giant poster advertisements taller than me (seeing those downtown is always cool!), I’ve even styled food! Now I have my own magazines, PRESS The Fashion and PRESS The Beauty. Those are my focus, but when I have time I still write for a few other publications and take the odd styling job. I can’t say enough how much I love my job and how blessed I feel to be in the position I am in.
How do you live Fashion in Ottawa ?
Well, I’m pretty lucky to be honest, I own a fashion magazine, so I get to live and breathe fashion every day. I love my job. I get inspired by music, art and the people around me. I take those different aspects and I translate it into my work. I love this fashion story I’m living in.
What do you love / hate in Fashion ?
What I love most about fashion is the freedom, the creativity, the fact that within fashion you can wake up everyday and create (or help create within a team) something captivating and beautiful.
What do I hate most in fashion? Fake and illegitimate modelling agencies. The people who get into this business for the wrong reasons and are just looking for fame and don’t actually care about the fashion itself.
What is your message for the Fashion Industry ?
My message? Have fun, it’s fashion!
What is for you the big trend of this summer for fashion and beauty ?
Sheer and lace, I think we will see that being played up a bit more this spring and summer with bold colours and floral prints. I’m sorry but a gladiator style sandal for the ladies in the summer never gets boring for me.
Who are your favorite stylists ?
Jenn Finkelstein, George Antonopoulos.
Can you talk about the Ottawa Fashion Week ?
Ottawa Fashion Week is something I’m happy we have. I find certain things like a fashion week, magazines, proper modelling agencies and etc are really important for a growing fashion market. Also, why wouldn’t Ottawa have a fashion week? We’re the nation’s capital.
Who is, for you, the model of the year ?
That’s a tough question. I really can’t pick just one… Pamela Bernier will always be to me the definition of « a face for beauty ». The recent winner Chloe from the model search held with Models International Management in Ottawa, she has some fantastic potential! Laura Kell is a constant source of inspiration for me and has been for a long time. I Love Dree Hemingway, she is perfection. Nadja Bender seems to be everywhere lately and she should be, look at her!
If you want to speak about beauty, what is for you, the best innovation of the year ?
Anything with pomegranate, I’m a bitobsessed right now.
Thanks a lot to Christopher, Grace and Shirline :love:

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