Une note en anglais et en français aujourd’hui. Va falloir suivre les amours. Interview de Drea Wheeler, propriétaire du studio URBAIN 3, coach sportif, tout en abdos et en fessiers. (et ambassadrice Lolë, dont on reparlera très vite)
Je vous ai dit il y a quelques temps que je reprenais le sport (moi la fille la plus fainéante du monde qui déteste ça). En y allant, plusieurs fois par semaines (5 à 6 fois, entre 1 et 2h à chaque fois) j’ai vite vu de beaux résultats. Mais ce qui me plaît lors de ces cours, c’est l’énergie qui en dégage. La sensation de défi à chaque nouveau pas, nouvelle choré. Le fait que l’on s’amuse tellement, que l’on ne voit pas le temps passé (sauf quand on fait des squats). Le fait qu’Andrea et son équipe, réussissent à mettre une ambiance de folie à chaque heure. Elle, et son équipe, sont vraiment des filles pleines d’entrain, qui vous pousse à vous dépenser et à donner le meilleur de vous-mêmes à chaque fois. Une motivation nécessaire pour moi, sinon, je me cache au fond du cours et je ne fais rien (j’aime pas le sport, vous vous rappelez ?)
Du coup, je lui ai demandé de m’accorder une petite interview…. Vous devez vraiment la connaître et découvrir son concept, si vous êtes à Montréal, même pour les vacances. Une musique qui bouge, des cours intenses, de l’audace, et du défi. (ouais, je suis « un peu » devenue addict…)
A note in English and in French today. (You will need to follow my beautiful little readers :p ). Interview of Andrea Wheeler, owner of the URBAN studio 3, Lolë Ambassador, personal trainer, and consultant.
I said to you there, a few days ago, that I took back sport (me, the laziest girl of the world who hates that). By going, there several times by weeks (5 – 6 times, between 1 and 2 hours every time) I fast saw beautiful results. But what I love in URBAIN 3 , it is the energy. The sensation of challenge in every new steps, new lessons. The fact that we have so much fun , that we do not see the time spent (except when we make squats). The fact that Andrea succeeds to put an atmosphere of madness every hour. Her, and her team, are really girls full of positive energy, who help you to give the best of yourself every time. A necessary motivation for me, otherwise, I hide at the bottom of the room and I make nothing (I do not like sport, do you remember… ?)
Finally, I asked her to grant me a small interview…. You have to know her and this concept. You have to try if you are in Montreal (even if, it is for holidays). A good music, intense lessons, some boldness, and challenge. (Yeah, It’s addicting)
Why and When did you start URBAIN 3 : It has been 3 years ago, because I thought that every classes that I tested were boring. And I really wanted to give women another kind of workout while having fun.
Can you explain the concept of URBAIN 3 (even if I know it… It is for your readers 😛 ) : The concept is to allow women to get intense workout without even notice it. The music is something that they all know. If you listen music, that you know and you really like, you don’t realise the intense of the exercices. All that, while having a real social community. So that’s the concept.
Are you going to develop URBAIN 3 ? : The all goal is to have other URBAIN 3 studios.
How do you choose the music ? : The radio 🙂
In how many time can you see the first results ? : in Two weeks (in fact this is my answer, so that question is completely useful, because I know that it works…)
What are your advises for being in love with your mind and your body ? : Everyone’s body is different, right, so when you find the perfect you, is just to be happy with that. Your body, my body, are different. They will not react in the same way to the exercises and will not never be alike. Here, we just try to help people get the best of all.
Can you explain your collaboration whith the brand Lolë ? : I started bootcamps with them in summer. I am ambassador because I really love their vision of Montreal and their implication with entrepreneurs. The goal is to grow together. They are awesome.
Thanks Drea for your time and see you soon 🙂
(Maybe that one day, I will allow you to listen this interview that I recorded with my phone… My english accent is a disaster… and my laughter…)
Son crédeau : Be Fit, Be Fly, Be Confident… Be You!
Andrea on Twitter : https://twitter.com/DreaWheelerMTL
The website of the studio : URBAIN 3
Personal message for Drea, Heather, Elizabeth and Marysabel : Thanks, for my new butt, abs and arms (love love)
Personal message for Heather : you are a killer…. :love: 😉

mars 6, 2013Hâte de voir ce nouveau petit cul 😛
ViVi LaChipie
mars 6, 2013Tu pourras même toucher ^_^
mars 6, 2013Coquine :love:
ViVi LaChipie
mars 6, 2013:p